Consumer Robots



Solution Introduction


Incubated by ALi Corp. AUTO Mobility Solutions Co., Ltd. (AMS) launces smart mobility business in 2020.
AMS provides one stop robot solution with cost effective hardware and customized software for consumer products such as robot vacuum cleaner and air purifier robot. Build in MIPS CPU, 128MB DRAM, SLAM algorithm, navigation engine and motion control mechanism. By our own path planning algorithm implement accurate position and map construction, meanwhile the consumer robot can be controlled and managed by installing APP, providing feasibility and ease of use. Our solution can reduce significant hardware cost and SDK solution provide customer faster time to market.


Competitive Advantage 


  • Alliance for key component: LiDAR, Gyro, MCU…
  • Toolchain development time reduction
  • Accelerated SLAM algorithm
  • Navigation engine for coverage rate improvement
  • IoT connectivity



扬智科技, ACCESS 与 NetRange连手将云端视频点播 (V…

03-07-2024 Hits:115 2024-媒體中心 HR - avatar HR

作为领先的机顶盒(STB)芯片供货商,扬智科技宣布与智能电视和机顶盒授权应用供货商ACCESS 与NetRange达成战略合作。此一合作达成机顶盒行业的一个重要里程碑,通过ACCESS 与NetRange云端浏览器解决方案整合到扬智的实时操...

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扬智科技将云端视频点播 (VOD)带入智慧机顶盒市场

07-06-2024 Hits:246 2024-媒體中心 Mavis - avatar Mavis

作为领先的机顶盒(STB)芯片供货商,扬智科技宣布与智能电视和机顶盒授权应用提供商ACCESS NetRange达成战略合作。这一合作标志着机顶盒行业的一个重要里程碑,通过将ACCESS NetRange的云端浏览器解决方案整合到扬智的实时...

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扬智新一代DVB-S2X/ DVB-C SoC F6P将于2024年量…

07-06-2024 Hits:285 2024-媒體中心 Mavis - avatar Mavis

扬智科技宣布新一代 DVB-S2X/ DVB-C STB SoC F6P进入量产,瞄准印度、中东、非洲和南美及拉丁美洲市场。全新F6P SoC配备了最新的S2X卫星解调器,支持高效视讯编码(HEVC)和以太网,并实现了低功耗和卓越的EMC/...

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KX Intek and ALi Corporation showca…

07-09-2023 Hits:835 2023-媒體中心 Mavis - avatar Mavis

Taipei, Korea – September 7th , 2023 –KX INTEK, a leading Set Top Box manufacturer with its strong focus on DVB Pay...

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