Smart Audio



Solution Introduction


Own developed proprietary Edge Voice Process Unit (EVPU) NN (Neural Network) based voice recognition, with that, various home appliances can be controlled by online/offline voice and voiceprint. The optimized voice pre-processing technology also supports noise-reduction, echo cancellation and beam forming in order to keep a good recognition rate under different complex circumstances.


Competitive Advantage


  • Dual CPU with high performance
  • Self-develop Edge Voice Process Unit (EVPU)
  • Security boot and device encryption
  • Support playback of various audio formats, LED display and control interfaces
  • Voice control multiple languages, ex: Chinese, English, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Deutsch, etc 




  • Smart Speaker
  • Smart Appliances, ex. Fan, Air conditioner, Lighting, etc 
  • Smart Toy for Education and Entertainment
  • IoT Gateway
  • ...etc



揚智科技, ACCESS 與 NetRange聯手將雲端視頻點播 (V…

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揚智科技將雲端視頻點播 (VOD)帶入智慧機上盒市場

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作為領先的機上盒(STB)晶片供應商,揚智科技宣佈與智慧電視和機上盒授權應用提供商ACCESS NetRange達成戰略合作。這一合作標誌著機上盒行業的一個重要里程碑,通過將ACCESS NetRange的雲端流覽器解決方案整合到揚智的即時...

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