Convergence India 2021
Mar. 24-26 2021, Pragati Maidan, New Delhi
Solution Introduction
Own developed proprietary Edge Voice Process Unit (EVPU) NN (Neural Network) based voice recognition, with that, various home appliances can be controlled by online/offline voice and voiceprint. The optimized voice pre-processing technology also supports noise-reduction, echo cancellation and beam forming in order to keep a good recognition rate under different complex circumstances.
Competitive Advantage
Solution Introduction
An AI computing platform “ALiIN” for wise indoor applications based on our core competences of existing IP portfolios and security technologies as well as our innovative approach of the self-developed AI neural network processing engine.
We develop three turnkey solutions including the platforms of Smart Display, Smart Mobile Robot and Smart Audio, which are well optimized the original industry value chain and make contributions to intellectualizing the life of smart home, office, factory, retail, etc., and help our partners quickly and effectively time to the markets.
ALi Corporation develop the leading set top box SoC for PayTV and retail markets globally.
We also establish an AI computing platform “ALiIN” for wise indoor applications based on our core competences of existing IP portfolios and security technologies as well as our innovative approach of the self-developed AI neural network processing engine.
We develop three turnkey solutions including the platforms of Smart Display, Smart Mobile Robot and Smart Audio, which are well optimized the original industry value chain and make contributions to intellectualizing the life of smart home, office, factory, retail, etc., and help our partners quickly and effectively time to the markets.
Our current products include the mirror HDMI dongles, pico projectors, robot vacuum cleaners (RVC), HMI solutions and the various home appliances with voice control, which are already certified by well-known brand customers.
Solution Introduction
Competitive Advantage
Solution Introduction
ALi provide one-stop AIoT mobile robot solution with cost effective hardware and customized software. Build in MIPS / ARM CPU, SLAM algorithm, navigation engine and motion control mechanism, provide accuracy and better path planning. Meanwhile robot can be controlled and managed by installing APP, providing feasibility and ease of use
Competitive Advantage
Solution Introduction
ALi pico projector solution provides competitive advantage and features, with optimized package and low power consumption. Compatible with DLNA/miracast or other network protocol, the screen on portable devices such as mobile, laptop or tablet can be mirrored to large screen to realize cross platform screen mirroring.
Competitive Advantage
Solution Introduction
ALi HDMI dongle solution provides competitive advantage and features, with optimized package and low power consumption. Compatible with DLNA/miracast or other network protocol, the screen on portable devices such as mobile, laptop or tablet can be mirrored to large screen to realize cross platform screen mirroring.
Competitive Advantage
Solution Introduction
ALi smart display solutions provide competitive advantage and features,with optimized package and low power consumption. Compatible with DLNA/miracast or other network protocol, the screen on portable devices such as mobile, laptop or tablet can be mirrored to large screen to realize cross platform screen mirroring.
Competitive Advantage
Owing to our high performance CPU, powerful computation capability and the integration ability on set top box development, we expand the IP technology to smart display product market further offer price-performance turnkey solution and more competitive cost than our competitors.
G1晶片含有自主開發的神經網路邊緣語音處理單元(EVPU),運用離線和在線語音和聲紋方式控制電器設備,優化降噪、回聲消除和波束賦形(Beam Forming)等優化語音處理技術,能在各種複雜環境下應用。G1的通用離線語音模組已能應用在眾多家用智能產品上,亦涵蓋全球各主要語言,包含中文、英文、德文、法文、日文、韓文、西班牙文和印度文等。
煊揚科技總經理謝劍彬表示"我們在語音撥放技術和市場上具全領先地位,在語音辨識技術也布局已久。當前新冠肺炎疫情正在改變人類生活模式,帶動非接觸式控制產品成為潮流,G1的推出時機正順應這股趨勢,我們將積極擴大語音控制的應用領域,實現揚智與子公司共同打造Indoor Enlightenment的願景。"
揚智科技(TWSE: 3041)成立於1987年,是數位多媒體影音SoC設計的世界級領導廠商,致力於締造高安全、高性價比、高軟硬件集成、低功耗的整體解決方案,在付費及零售機上盒市場位居前三大的主導地位,於多媒體音效晶片市場更領先全球。揚智成功開發自主作業系統,以成熟的製程工藝支援異質性架構整合與軟硬體相容的加速平台設計,搭配條件式存取內容保護方案商的緊密合作,目前已高度貫穿全球付費及零售電視生態鏈,為數以百計的運營商提供最安全的影音加值服務。
煊揚科技有限公司是一家專門從事人工智慧晶片設計銷售的高科技公司,成立於2018年12月。創始團隊為揚智的人工智慧事業部分離出來,揚智科技為本公司的大股東。煊揚秉承揚智母公司「Bring Technology to Life」的理念,專注為市場提供高性價比的人工智慧晶片以及相關完整周邊軟體解決方案。
Mavis Wu
20-01-2025 Hits:595 2025-媒體中心 HR
台北,2025年1月20日—— 全球領先的 IC 設計公司揚智科技(3041-TW)與 AI 技術領導者 OSENSE 光禾感知科技宣布展開技術合作,共同推動智慧機上盒的創新發展,為用戶帶來突破性的家庭娛樂體驗。雙方合作將結合揚智科技新一...
Read more25-09-2024 Hits:1297 2024-媒體中心 HR
台北,2024年9月26日—— 揚智在2024年1至8月的業績表現亮眼,成長接近兩成,主要受益於新產品推出及國際體育賽事帶來的換機需求,並且印度及巴西政府標案啟動了大規模採購,投資在地市場行銷力度顯現效果, 九月中旬於荷蘭阿姆斯...
Read more19-08-2024 Hits:1766 2024-媒體中心 HR
台北,2024年8月19日—— 揚智科技(Ali Corporation)今日宣布,2024年上半年公司本業表現亮眼,實現17%的成長,主要受益於客戶庫存水位恢復正常以及國際體育賽事帶來的換機需求。此外,運營商訂單能見度增長,帶動機上盒業...
Read more03-07-2024 Hits:1459 2024-媒體中心 HR
作為領先的機上盒(STB)晶片供應商,揚智科技宣佈與智慧電視和機上盒授權應用供應商ACCESS 與NetRange達成戰略合作。此一合作達成機上盒行業的一個重要里程碑,通過ACCESS 與NetRange雲端流覽器解決方案整合到揚智的即時操...
Read more07-06-2024 Hits:1591 2024-媒體中心 Mavis
作為領先的機上盒(STB)晶片供應商,揚智科技宣佈與智慧電視和機上盒授權應用提供商ACCESS NetRange達成戰略合作。這一合作標誌著機上盒行業的一個重要里程碑,通過將ACCESS NetRange的雲端流覽器解決方案整合到揚智的即時...
Read more07-06-2024 Hits:2562 2024-媒體中心 Mavis
揚智科技宣布新一代 DVB-S2X/ DVB-C STB SoC F6P進入量產,瞄準印度、中東、非洲和南美及拉丁美洲市場。全新F6P SoC配備了最新的S2X衛星解調器,支援高效視訊編碼(HEVC)和以太網,並實現了低功耗和卓越的EMC/...
Read more07-09-2023 Hits:2980 2023-媒體中心 Mavis
Taipei, Korea – September 7th , 2023 –KX INTEK, a leading Set Top Box manufacturer with its strong focus on DVB Pay...
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